Our number one priority is your career in the tech industry, and we offer comprehensive Employment and Entrepreneurship Assistance Services to help you achieve your goals.

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Our Approach

Lab Four’s Employment and Entrepreneurship Assistance Services (EEAS) Team is ready to help you land the tech job you’re looking for.
One-on-One Coaching and Resume Assistance
Technical Interview Preparation
Employment and Entrepreneurship Workshops
Once armed with a solid foundation of competency-based, project-driven technical training and certifications to validate their skills to potential employers, job seekers are often more qualified to enter the tech industry than they may realize. Employment and Entrepreneurship Assistance Services (EEAS) begins on Day 1 of your training program with Lab Four. Our expert coaches are here to help you navigate the process of assessing relevant knowledge and prior experience, framing it correctly on your resume and in an interview, and taking efficient steps to gain the knowledge, skills, and wisdom employers are looking for.

Understanding Employer Needs

We’ll teach you how to stand out from the rest of the resumes in your future Employer’s inbox.
91%of employers believe IT Certifications play a key role in the hiring process and that IT certifications are a reliable predictor of a successful employee.
Employees who hold IT certifications have proven to be more knowledgeable, more confident, and more reliable compared to those without certifications. Employers know this from experience – and 93% of them cite finding the right IT professional to fill their open positions as a major challenge. They have learned to look for certifications in the applicant screening process to increase their chances of finding and hiring candidates who will reach job proficiency quickly and perform at a high level, long term. Over 70% of employers require IT certifications for certain job openings.

Source: CompTIA HR Perception of IT Training and Certification Study: 2015

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