“Getting out of the military as a single mom was a terrifying experience. Securing employment with the knowledge that Lab Four gave me changed my life.”

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Who We Are

Cybersecurity Institute at Lab Four is an accredited, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the workforce on the local level as well as on the global scale. We do that with a combination of project driven technical training and comprehensive employment and entrepreneurship assistance services.

Mission Statement

Lab Four’s mission is to become a key workforce development partner in three ways: by providing the best possible technology training to help businesses become more successful; providing the skills and credentials necessary for individuals to secure stable employment or pursue entrepreneurship opportunities in a high-demand industry; and partnering with nonprofit organizations to help our community fulfill its vast potential. We will accomplish this through the most innovative, effective, and ethical methods possible from top to bottom.

Organizational History

Cybersecurity Institute at Lab Four was established in 2008, in Memphis TN. The organization formed as an outgrowth of an IT company called Lan One (now Lab Four Systems), in response to workforce development needs identified in our local community. Acknowledging both the widening technology skills gap employers face and the reality that individuals stuck in low-paying, low-skilled jobs are highly unlikely ever to escape the cycle of poverty without increased access to training and tangible opportunities for career advancement, we set out to create and provide those opportunities and connections. Our focus has been on helping people transition from getting by to getting ahead by preparing them to obtain industry certifications in a high-demand field, and coaching them through the steps of entering and navigating a sustainable career with real growth potential.

We have a history of success in working with unemployed and underemployed individuals, as well as with young adults; working closely with US Department of Labor grant recipients, state and local government, and other local nonprofit organizations in the West and Middle Tennessee areas to provide the technical knowledge and soft skills training needed to get these individuals into high-demand occupations.

As we move forward in our mission, we are expanding our community-focused workforce development model to function on a global scale; making training and resources more widely available across the United States and abroad.

Our Cause

We believe everyone deserves the opportunity earn a stable income that allows them to support themselves and their families. Beyond that, we believe everyone should have access to career advancement; and that a career in the tech industry can be a highly viable pathway out of poverty. The training and services we offer are the ways in which we are best equipped to help people achieve these goals.

Communities must be directly involved in confronting the challenges they face, as it is crucial for the individualized needs of that community to be centered in any solution. Lab Four has employed a community-based approach to workforce development that relies on collaborative relationships with local organizations and businesses committed to improving economic livelihood and prosperity in the communities they serve.

What We Do

We specialize in providing project-driven technical training; using industry-standard curricula designed to prepare completers to pass industry certification exams, paired with comprehensive employment and entrepreneurship assistance services focused on industries showing high potential for labor market growth.

Our Approach

Ultimately, we measure success not by our enrollment numbers or even by how many people complete training programs each year; but by our training-related employment and entrepreneurship placement rate. Employers are looking for qualified, certified candidates, so we focus on practical preparation for industry certification exams and the real-world work environment.

To that end, we primarily use Adjunct Instructors who are current, active professionals in what they teach. Our instructors bring a wide range of experience and expertise to the table, which only evolves and grows as they forge ahead in their own careers and pursue their own professional development. This ensures that our instructors are keeping up with changes in technology and workplace trends, rather than stagnating for too much time spent at the front of a classroom.

We also offer multiple weekly tutoring sessions, hands-on technical workshops, and resume, interview, and entrepreneurship workshops – all of which are provided at no additional cost to our students. These sessions give students the opportunity to interface with different instructors in addition to their own; to get supplemental support with any course material they may be struggling with; and to gain even more practical knowledge and technical skills vital to today’s job market.

Finally, our comprehensive Employment and Entrepreneurship Assistance Services (EEAS) program is fully integrated with the training curriculum and begins on Day 1, so our students never have to wait until program completion to start actively pursuing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities related to their course of study. The EEAS program includes one-on-one coaching, resume assistance, technical mock interviews, resume and interview workshops, and more.


Cybersecurity Institute at Lab Four is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET), and recognized by the US Department of Education (ED) in The Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs.

Authorization Statement

Cybersecurity Institute at Lab Four is authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. This authorization must be renewed each year and is based on an evaluation by minimum standards concerning quality of education, ethical business practices, health and safety, and fiscal responsibility.

State of Tennessee
Tennessee Higher Education
404 James Robertson Parkway
Parkway Towers, Suite 1900
Nashville, TN 37243


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